
Autumn Term 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome to Acorn Class and a new, exciting and busy term. We hope everyone had an enjoyable summer holiday and are ready to take on the new challenges of the coming year.

 Our topic this term is Scandinavia, focusing on exploring the human and physical features of Scandinavia whilst comparing the features with the UK.

 In English we will be looking at writing poetry using the beautiful book “The Lost Words”, where children will be writing about their own creatures. After that, we will read the Ice Palace. We will use the book as a base to write a setting description and a newspaper article. In the second half of the term, we will be reading Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl and The Snowman by Michael Morpugo. We will explore writing a narrative and diary entries. Over the term, every week, we will be also practising reading comprehension skills and a focus in VIPERS to answer a variety of questions about the text.  VIPERS stands for:






Sequence or Summarise

In Maths we are focusing on place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division and measuring area.

 In Science we will be learning about animal including humans. We will explore diet, teeth and the digestive system. In art we will look at the life and work of the painter Edward Munch.

 In PSHE we will be focusing on identity, society and equality. In Music we will complete a unit called “Let your spirit fly” emphasising the benefits that singing and music can have on our well-being. Our PE days are Mondays and Fridays. Every child is expected to come to school wearing their PE kit.

To support your children at home, we ask that you listen to them read, practise the spellings set on Spelling Shed and practise times tables on TT Rockstars. We will be doing weekly spellings test. Homework will be set on a Wednesday and collected on a Monday morning.

We are looking forward to working in partnership with you throughout the year, we are always available at the end of every day so please talk to us if you have any concerns. We look forward to a fantastic first term with you all!

Mrs Soal