Our Class Teacher is Miss Boyle.
Our Teaching Assistant is Miss Hawkes.
We also have Ms. Poulton as our Cover Class Teacher on Tuesdays too!
Please click the link on the left to access our weekly timetable, but just as a reminder:
PE is on a Monday and Friday.
Monday: Dance with Mrs Hembry (Inside).
Friday: Invasion Games with Premier Sports (Outside).
Please come to school on those days wearing trainers and clothes suitable for doing PE! Please ensure that long hair is tied back and earrings are removed or covered.
This will be given out on a Thursday and we ask for it to be handed back in the following Wednesday. You can find this week's homework on the left but each week will include:
- Spellings: Please try and practice your spellings everyday using Look, Cover, Write, Check.
- Reading: Please try to read for 20 minutes each evening with an adult or independently. Please make a note of this in your Reading Record, which you should bring into school every day.
- Maths: Each week we focus on a different times-table. Please try to practice this, three times a week. There will also be a few problem-solving questions to try too.
- English comprehension: There will be a few VIPERS questions about a short piece of writing.
Our long-term plan can be found on the left which provides an overview of what we will be learning this year. Our topic for this term is 'Would you like to live in a city?'. There are also knowledge organisers for some subjects that give a more in-depth breakdown.
In Maths this half term we will be learning about fractions and multiplication/division. Alongside our full Maths lessons we have daily starters focusing on mental maths, times tables and problem solving.
We are continuing with our text 'Way Home' by Libby Hathorn for the first part of this half-term. This picture-book text, about a boy living on the streets of the city, is encouraging wonderful classroom talk and interesting descriptive writing.
As well as our set texts, we have daily SPAG starters where we focus on spelling, handwriting, grammar and punctuation. We love reading in Chestnut Class so encourage independent reading wherever we can and dedicate one English lesson a week to reading comprehension. We have a library slot on a Monday and Friday morning to swap our reading books and we can also choose a book from the classroom shelves, or bring one in from home.